Run Your PTA

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Kentucky PTA Do’s and Don’ts

How do I become a PTA officer?

PTA bylaws state that a nominating committee should be elected every year with the sole purpose of putting together a slate of officers for the following year to present to the general membership for ratification. The bylaws also state at which meeting of the year the nominating committee will be elected, and at which meeting they will give their report. If you would like to become an officer on your school’s PTA board, there are several steps you can take.

First, talk with the current PTA president to express your desire to become involved. Volunteer opportunities may be readily available, allowing you to get involved immediately, thus getting to know the organization and its members, and allowing your desire to become an officer known.

Second, the nominating committee typically begins work in the late winter or early spring. Find out (through the PTA president or school secretary) the committee chairman’s name, and contact him or her to express your wishes. Note: Some PTAs will give notice to parents that the process has begun, and ask for volunteers for board positions. Watch the materials that come home from the school’s PTA for this information.

Third, once the nominating committee presents its report to the general membership, nominations are open from the floor. At this time, you may nominate yourself, or have another member of that PTA nominate you for a specific position. When more than one person is running for an office, a ballot vote must be taken. Members will need to prove their membership status, and place a vote for one person per office.