15th District PTA wants to help our families.
We know that there are many resources that families can turn to – we also know that it is sometimes overwhelming to find where to start.
Step 1 – JCPS Cares – 313-CARE
JCPS has provided a hotline that may be able to answer many of the questions you may have. The phone number is 313-CARE (2273). It is to offer assistance and referrals for services and basic needs. It is operated Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Step 2 – Your School Family Youth Resource Service Center Coordinator (FYRSC)
Contact your school and speak to your school’s Family Youth Resources Service Center Coordinator (FYRSC). They will be able to help you with a variety of items. The FYRSC can also put in a referral with 15th District PTA.
We will at times have a request to help a family and will will share this with our members. If you would like to join the PTA Cares Facebook Group.https://www.facebook.com/15thDistrict.PTACARES/
If you do not use Facebook – Please email [email protected]

Are you a Louisville Community Organization?
Do you know a family that could use help – Please use this referral form. https://forms.gle/ajwQy3qo6LHhDwf37