It is a requirement that all PTAs/PTSAs have an elected nominating committee. Article VI, Section 4 of every PTA’s bylaws states that a nominating committee (made up of at least three and always an uneven number) shall be elected at a general meeting by the PTA membership at least one month prior (you may want to give them more time) to the election of officers. The members of the nominating committee must be members of your PTA. The president is the only person who is not eligible to serve on the nominating committee. Once the committee is elected, the committee elects its chairman. The committee is charged with finding one nominee for each office–the person they feel is the best qualified candidate for each office.
The slate of officers (the president, vice president(s), secretary and treasurer) is presented at the spring general meeting—check your bylaws to determine the month in which your PTA elects its officers. Your bylaws will also tell you the length of the officers’ terms, the number of consecutive terms allowed, the number of vice presidents that is required for your PTA, and the month in which your officers assume their official duties. The general membership elects officers only; therefore the committee does not fill chairman positions. It is the job of the executive board (elected officers and the principal) to appoint the chairmen of standing committees.
The chairman of the nominating committee should present the slate of officers to the general membership at the spring general meeting. (Make sure that the minutes of the meeting state that a quorum was present.) The slate of officers can be presented at one meeting, and voted on at the next meeting, or presented and voted on at the same meeting. Only members of the PTA are eligible to vote and to hold office. If only one person is running for an office, a voice vote may be taken. If more than one person is running for an office, a ballot vote must be taken. Please read your bylaws, Article VI: Officers—Election and Vacancies, to determine what your bylaws dictate for this important process.
Guidelines for Choosing Nominees (reprinted from the Kentucky PTA Leaders’ Guide)
- Become familiar with the job description for each office that is to be filled. This is found in your PTA’s bylaws, standing rules, and in Kentucky and National PTA materials. When contacting a potential nominee for consent, be sure to tell them precisely what the responsibilities of the position are and how much time the job will take.
- Consider past and current PTA experience. Are those being considered knowledgeable about your PTA and basic purposes and policies? Do they believe in the PTA Purposes, Mission, and Kentucky PTA Vision?
- Consider how well the potential nominees work with other people.
- Look at each person’s particular skills and talents.
- Consider qualities that will represent the PTA/PTSA well in the school setting and in the community.
- Are the nominees willing and able to carry out the responsibilities of the position?
- Do the nominees have the time to commit to the responsibility of the offices?
- Are the nominees enthusiastic about filling their positions?
- Do they delegate responsibility well?
- Select the president first then, as a courtesy, ask the presidential nominee for suggestions. (Note: Courtesy means the committee is not bound by the suggestions. Never select a person the committee is not in favor of because another nominee wants that person.)
Election Procedure (reprinted form the Kentucky PTA Leaders’ Guide)
- The secretary reads the section of your PTA’s bylaws about the election of officers.
- The chair of the nominating committee reads the slate of officers, giving copies to the president and secretary.
- The president re-reads the nominating committee report, then asks for further nominations (nominations from the floor) for each office. The person(s) being nominated must give consent, but the nomination does not require a second.
- After there are no more nominations or if there are none, the president asks, “ Are there further nominations for any of these offices?” Then after a pause says, “Hearing none, the chair declares the nominations closed.”
[Note #1. If your PTA presents the slate of officers at the meeting prior to the election meeting, stop here. At the beginning of the election meeting, the president re-reads the slate, including nominations from the floor.]
[Note #2. Nominations may be reopened by a motion and a majority vote, provided no votes have been cast.]
- If there is only one nominee for an office, the election may be by acclamation—those in favor say aye, those opposed, no. Remind those present that only members may vote.
- If there is more than one nominee for an office, the vote must be by ballot.
- It is necessary to determine those eligible to vote. Membership cards may be required, or use an up-to-date list of members.
- Tellers, who are appointed by the president, distribute, collect and count the ballots. They prepare a report listing the number of votes cast, the number of votes necessary to elect, and the number received by each candidate. Blank ballots are not included in the count.
- Each teller signs the report. The chair of the tellers reads the report and gives copies to the president and secretary.
- The president re-reads the report and declares the winner elected.