Author: ptaadmin

  • Proposed Changes to Bylaws

    At the 15th District PTA Back to School Back to PTA Conference on Oct. 13, we voted on proposed changes to our bylaws. The reason for these changes was to add a “president-elect” position to the board, and to outline the duties of this new position. Questions: Contact 15th District PTA at [email protected] or (502) 671-9451…

  • Please Visit The JCPS Early Childhood Page


  • December 2016/January 2017 Newsletter

    FamilyMattersDec16Jan17 District News! Hot off the Press!! Our 15th District PTA  December/January Newsletter has been mailed to all PTA Officers. An electronic copy of the December 2016/January 2017 Newsletter is available below for you to share with all your members. FamilyMattersDec16Jan17

  • ALERT: Financial Review Form New Deadline July 15th Per KDE Redbook

    ALERT New Deadline: Kentucky PTA fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th, so it will be necessary to plan ahead and be prepared to meet submission requirements. • Submit Financial Review Form to Principal of your School per Kentucky Department of Education Accounting Procedures Redbook Regulations. Each PTA/PTSA must submit an annual financial report…

  • ACTION ALERT #3 – Flexible Funding

    March 21, 2016 Kentucky Education Action Team (KEAT) Weekly Budget Messages: THIRD KEAT ACTION ALERT For three weeks the Kentucky PTA is sending its members messages regarding the Governor’s proposed education budget cuts. Each week we will focus on a different program that if cut will directly affect our students’ education. Here is a template…

  • ACTION ALERT #2 – Funding for Preschools

    March 14, 2016 Kentucky Education Action Team (KEAT) Weekly Budget Messages: SECOND KEAT ACTION ALERT For three weeks the Kentucky PTA is sending its members messages regarding the Governor’s proposed education budget cuts. Each week we will focus on a different program that if cut will directly affect our students’ education. Here is a template…

  • ACTION ALERT #1 – Funding for FRYSCs

    March 9, 2016 Kentucky Education Action Team (KEAT) Weekly Budget Messages: For the next three weeks we will be sending you messages regarding the Governor’s proposed education budget cuts. Each week we will focus on a different program that if cut will directly affect our students’ education. Here is a template letter for the first…

  • Kentucky Education Action Team 2016 Legislative Priorities

    KEAT supports increased funding for all P-12 public school students as an urgent priority for the Commonwealth. While KEAT supports more funding for all school programs, we specifically support increases to address three critical needs in the 2016 Kentucky General Assembly. Adopt a funding plan for the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System. A sound pension system…