Category: General

  • 2017 Scholarship applications

    “Harold L. Steele” $1000 Student Scholarship 12 Steele $1000 Student Scholarship 2014 2015 This is a biennial (every two years) scholarship that is awarded in even numbered years. The scholarship is awarded for a two year period, $500 for each year, providing the recipient’s grades justify awarding the following year. Financial need, academic achievement, personal…

  • 15th District PTA Evangeline J. Sansome Scholarship Application


  • Proposed Changes to Bylaws

    At the 15th District PTA Back to School Back to PTA Conference on Oct. 13, we voted on proposed changes to our bylaws. The reason for these changes was to add a “president-elect” position to the board, and to outline the duties of this new position. Questions: Contact 15th District PTA at [email protected] or (502) 671-9451…

  • December 2016/January 2017 Newsletter

    FamilyMattersDec16Jan17 District News! Hot off the Press!! Our 15th District PTA  December/January Newsletter has been mailed to all PTA Officers. An electronic copy of the December 2016/January 2017 Newsletter is available below for you to share with all your members. FamilyMattersDec16Jan17

  • 2015-16 PLC Rounds Information

    JCPS is inviting community, corporate and parent partners into several schools throughout the school year to observe teachers in action. Participants will get a chance to interact with the principal as well as observe a team of teachers actively engaged in the PLC model. Teachers are working together to problem solve and strategize how they can…


    Effectively Branding Today’s PTA Workshop Handout 2014 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge 15th District PTA Officers Form  All Clothing Assistance Program appointments must be made by family resource coordinators. We do not take walk-ins, every person must have an appointment. Thank you!