Saturday (3/14/20) Cancelled
15th District PTA wants to make sure that all of our families are safe during this time. We are cancelling this Saturday’s (3/14/20) event at the Main Library. We will keep you informed if the other events will be cancelled as soon as we know. Please keep you and your families safe.
Be Internet Awesome Family Workshops
Join Us on the following dates: Saturday March 14th 10am-12pm @ Main Library Tuesday April 7th 6-8pm @ Southwest Library Thursday April 16th 6-8pm @ Northeast Library Saturday May 23rd 1-3pm @ South Central Library More Info at https://15thdistrictpta.org/programs-beinternetawesome/
PTA Board Training!
Prepare for the 2019-2020 School Year PTA Compliance Training MemberHub Training Treasurer Training President Roundtable Light food will be provided! Click on date to register on eventbrite! September 7th- 10am – 1pm – Louisiville Urban League September 17th – 1:30-4:30pm – Northeast Library September 23rd – 5pm-8pm – Southwest Regional Library September 25th – 10am…
Sunday – Community Jamboree
Summertime is all about camping, swimming, and hanging out with friends. Let’s keep up the learning also – join us at the Community Jamboree as we give you some tools to combat that pesky summer slide! We will also have balloon artist, face painting, and more information! Sunday, July 14th from 1:00 to 5:00 pm…
Financial Review Due July 15th!
The form can be found at KY PTA’s website at http://kypta.org/wp-content/uploads/Financial-Review-Form-2019-2020.pdf This video is two years old – but the process is the same. Please note the July 10th training mentioned at the end is not for this year. 🙂 Check it out here! https://youtu.be/aZFIRNifxgU
Community Jamborees
Please join us at the Community Jamborees. Great time and information for all our families.
Voting Ballot
Here is what the ballot will look like for those who are voting in today’s election. Remember the polls open at 4:00 pm and close at 6:45 pm at Louisville Central Community Center.
Elections – May 7, 2019
We have all the details and even FAQ on our Election Page.
15th District PTA Meeting Rules for Voting on April 22, 2019
According to the the 15th District PTA bylaws Article XII: Section 4 Each local PTA/PTSA in the District shall be entitled to be represented at the fifteenth (15th) district meetings by Five (5) accredited delegates of each local PTA/PTSA. (Accredited delegates selection shall be determined by the 15th District PTA standing rules.) The 15th District…