Category: Programs

  • Clothing giveaway Jan 20

    Clothing giveaway Jan 20

    The Diversity, Equity, and Poverty (DEP) Division of Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), in conjunction with the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA), invites JCPS familiesto a special clothing giveaway on Saturday, January 20 from 10am to 2pm. To enter, a family must have a Clothing Assistance Program (CAP) appointment for thisspecial event. To get…

  • PTA Scholarship applications due March 29

    PTA Scholarship applications due March 29

    JCPS Seniors: Remember to check out this exciting scholarship opportunity! The application deadline is March 29, 2024. ! Apply online.

  • 2024 District Spelling Bee Contest

    2024 District Spelling Bee Contest

    School level spelling bee contests (4th-8th grades) will be happening soon to determine which students will move on to the district level contest. Check with your school to see if you are participating and how to get involved!

  • Reflections Due to 15th District Friday 11/10

    Reflections Due to 15th District Friday 11/10

    This a reminder that entries for the Reflections Arts Program must be submitted to 15th District by Friday, 11/10, to be considered for District, State and National Awards. A final Reflections virtual training will be provided at 6pm Thursday. 11/9. Please register to attend in advance.

  • Encourage Kids to Live Drug Free

    Encourage Kids to Live Drug Free

    Red Ribbon Week, an annual celebration of kids living drug free, is October 23-31. The 2023 Red Ribbon Campaign Theme, “Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.” which is a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live…

  • District Now Accepting Reflections Entries until November 10

    District Now Accepting Reflections Entries until November 10

    The 15th District PTA encourages all schools in the district to participate in the Reflections National PTA Arts program and submit school-wide winners to the for consideration for district, state and national awards by November 10, 2023. The 2023-24 theme is “I am hopeful because…”. Directions and links for schools to submit entries are provided…

  • Kentucky Kids Day is September 26

    Kentucky Kids Day is September 26

    Kentucky PTA Kids’ Day was established in 1985 to set aside one day just for our students. The goal is to send the message to each child that he or she is a special and unique individual who is respected and loved. Kentucky PTA Kids’ Day also serves as a day to make the public…

  • Thank You to Our Vendors!

    Thank You to Our Vendors!

    15th District PTA is shouting ‘thank you!’ to these awesome vendors from yesterday’s Back to School/Back to PTA event!

  • Violence Prevention Training

    Violence Prevention Training

    The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods is partnering with Whitney Strong to offer a full day training on violence prevention! This free, in-person training is scheduled on September 23rd from 9:00am-2:00pm at Refuge In Kentucky Church (1716 Prentice Street, 40210) and lunch will be served.  We will hear from experts as they cover a range of topics including Firearm Safety,  Suicide Prevention…

  • Virtual Training Opportunities

    Virtual Training Opportunities

    In addition to the in-person training available at the Back2School/BackToPTA event on August 19th, the 15th District PTA is offering several virtual training opportunities for Board members, Treasurers and Advocacy leads in local PTAs this year. See the Training Opportunities for details and to register for each training.