Category: Programs

  • General Meeting & Awards Ceremony

    Join us on December 3rd at 6:00 pm as we have our General Meeting and Awards Ceremony. We will be giving out our Reflections Awards to our talented students. We will also be giving out awards to our PTAs that we would have normally done last spring. Join us. You must register to attend at…

  • Why Soap?

    Why Soap?

    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps families with their nutritional needs such as food.  This program is wonderful but does have limitation.  SNAP does not cover any hygiene products such as soap.  15th District PTA has decided to add this to our offering for our families that come to our Clothing Assistance Program (CAP).  While…

  • Awards Applications Due March 15th

    Awards Applications Due March 15th

    Don’t forget to apply for awards from 15th District PTA. Apply Here

  • Apply Now for the Evangeline J. Sansome Scholarship

    Apply Now for the Evangeline J. Sansome Scholarship

    Scholarship information found at

  • Don’t Forget the Banquet is Tonight!

    Join us for some fun, food, and a celebration of our PTA/PTSA!!

  • Annual Awards Banquet

    We’re celebrating your PTA/PTSA accomplishments this year in a new way. Join us May 7, 2019 for our annual awards banquet. Join us for a festive banquet with student performances, awards, and a chance to showcase your school spirit. Reservations are $40 a person and must be received by Tuesday, April 30. All reservation requests…

  • Deadline for Awards & Scholarship Applications Extended!

    New Deadline is March 29, 2019 Click here to apply for awards Click here to apply for scholarships

  • Award Applications Now On-line

    Now you can apply for all of 15th District PTA Awards on-line. Check it out! Click here to go to our Awards Page!