PTA Membership has Benefits
Dues-Paying PTAs and Members
- A Local PTA Leader Kit containing recruitment ideas and other materials to use throughout the school year
- Various resources on family engagement programs, fundraising, working collaboratively and much more
- Select resources developed in collaboration with PTA’s national partners
- Access to grants to support programs and events
- Our Children magazine, PTA’s flagship publication with parenting articles by experts on children’s health, education, and well-being; and information on advocacy efforts; the latest news that affects children and youth
- National PTA Annual Convention member rates
- Teacher Appreciation Week ideas
- Discounts and special offers
Individual Members
- Online parenting resources, including Our Children Online Magazine
- E-newsletters on parenting and legislative issues
- Exclusive National PTA member benefits and sponsor offers
- Leadership training opportunities in-person and online
- Discounted member rate for PTA’s annual national convention, magazine subscriptions, and more
- The PTA Takes Action Network, connecting you to Congress when help is needed on issues important to children, schools, and families
National PTA Member Benefits
The power of PTA is in its membership. Every additional member adds power when your PTA goes before a SBDM council, school board, or speaks to a school board member. The number of your PTA adds clout when you contact state and federal legislators. With enough members, PTA can and does improve education, health and safety for every child.
To see the benefits: Member Benefit Offers
Membership Card Facts 
- A card is issued to one person, not to a family.
- Membership is required in order for a person to vote or hold office at their local PTA.
- Membership in one unit does not constitute membership and voting privilege in another unit.
- Membership campaigns should last the entire school year. Consider having a handout for the school office to give to new parents, inviting them to join the PTA. Put different “ads” in your newsletters, have a membership table at all school functions…, continually recruit members!
- Membership Cards are issued thru Memberhub.

15th District PTA
Membership Awards
- Ten Percent Increase over Previous Year
- 200 Members Over Previous Year
- District Membership Equaled Previous Year’s Membership
- District’s Largest PTAs Based on Number of Members
- President’s Award (100 Over Last Year)
- District’s Largest Percentage Increase Based on Last Year’s Membership
- Top Membership Based on Percent of Current Year Enrollment
- Two Hundred Percent Membership (Based on Enrollment)
- One Hundred Percent Membership (Based on Enrollment)
- District’s Top 20 PTA/PTSA’s Based on Number of Members
Look at Kentucky PTA’s Leaders’ Notebook, or go to www.kypta.org for Kentucky PTA membership awards that are offered.
When are you truly a PTA member?
“A person has truly become a PTA member when their circle of concern stretches beyond their own to include all children. A parent is truly a PTA member when their decisions are decided by a deep and abiding sense of responsibility for other peoples’ children as well as their own. Whatever you want for your own children—want for all children.”
Author Unnknown