• Parent Rally

    Join us as we unite behind JCPS! This is not political – this is about showing our support and keeping our voice in our district!  Please join us as we rally to show support for our elected leaders! Sign- up to speak at  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F094DACAB2DA6F85-parent

  • 15th District PTA Stand on Possible State Takeover

    15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) believes that every voice should be heard when we talk about education. We also believe that the strongest voices are the ones who are directly involved in the education process: teachers, administrators, students, and parents. These voices are being threatened with a takeover by the state of Kentucky. When…

  • 15th District PTA Awards Banquet

    Don’t forget to register for our banquet on May 10th! Register!  

  • Scholarship Applications Due March 15, 2018

    The Evangeline j. Sansome Scholarship Applications are due March 15th! If you are a senior and a member of your PTSA – you may qualify for a scholarship.  Click here for the application and more information.  

  • Award Applications – Due March 1, 2018

    Did you PTA have an awesome program or project?  Do you have a volunteer who is outstanding?  Was your membership campaign awesome this year?  If so – tell us about it.  We give awards away at our banquet in May for volunteers, programs, projects, membership campaigns, social media, newsletters, website,  male involvement, and advocacy.  Check…

  • Superintendent Survey

    Be an advocate and tell JCPS what you want in a superintendent.   Here is the link to the survey. Please join us at 4 public forums. Area residents also may provide input in person by attending an upcoming public forum. The Q&A-style meetings are an opportunity for the public to meet and hear from the…