
When selecting a project for which to allocate funds, ask these questions:

  • Will it supplement the curriculum?
  • Will it benefit all students in the school?
  • Will it enhance the students’ education?

Some of the PTA’s objects and goals pertaining to parenting are:

  • To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their child.
  • To raise the standards of home life.
  • To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, the school community, and the place of worship.

Keep those goals in mind when deciding which programs your PTA will sponsor. Look for programs that will develop leadership and parenting skills, promote parental involvement and education, teach child health and safety, and sponsor educational programs that will enhance students’ education.

Good publicity is vital to the success of any program. Publicize the event in a newsletter or in fliers that are sent home to parents. Contact local newspapers and television and radio stations. Put the event information on your school marquee or on street banners. Get the word out!