Call to Order
(The president says, “The meeting will come to order.”)
Pledge of Allegiance, (for a General meeting)
(The 1st Vice-president says, “Please stand while boy scout troop 315 leads us in the pledge of allegiance.”)
President’s report
Secretary’s report
(The president should ask for any corrections, then say, “The minutes are approved as written” or “approved as corrected.”)
Treasurer’s report
(After the report, the president should say, “the financial statement is filed for audit.”)
Officers’ reports:
1st vice-president (name)
2nd vice-president (name)
3rd vice –president (name)
4th vice-president (name)
5th vice-president (name)
Principal’s report
Committee reports (list them)
Unfinished business
New business
Remember that the president should be neutral while chairing a meeting, and only is allowed a vote in the case of a tie.