15th District PTA Slate of Officers Announced
The following slate is presented by the 15th District Nominating Committee.
REMINDER: Nominations for 2025-27 15th District Board Due 2/18
It’s time to think about PTA/PTSA leadership for the school year of 2025-2027. What can you bring to the 15th District PTA? Are you interested in holding a position as a PTA officer? Are you interested in chairing a committee or event? Now is your time. The 15th District PTA is seeking enthusiastic volunteers that…
Call for Nominations for 2025-27 15th District Board
It’s time to think about PTA/PTSA leadership for the school year of 2025-2027. What can you bring to the 15th District PTA? Are you interested in holding a position as a PTA officer? Are you interested in chairing a committee or event? Now is your time. The 15th District PTA is seeking enthusiastic volunteers that…
Submit Questions for JCPS Board Candidates at Forum
On October 17, the 15th District PTA will be hosting a forum for candidates for the JCPS Board of Education. It will be held in the Stewart Auditorium at the Van Hoose Education Center at 3332 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40218. The schedule will be: This is your chance to submit questions to be asked…
JCPS students recognized in the 2024 15th District Reflections Program
On January 24, the 15th District PTA recognized students from throughout JCPS for their artwork in the Reflections awards program. Congratulations to all the awarded students. The top students in each category are invited to represent the district in the state Reflections competition.
15th District at State Convention
Around 100 PTA and school district leaders attended the 2023 Kentucky PTA State Convention at Lexington Traditional Magnet School July 14-15, 2023. The convention agenda featured general and position-specific trainings, the annual legislative/advocacy platform, awards for schools and individuals, the election of KY PTA officers. and even a special appearance by Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman.…
15th District PTA Slate Announced
The following slate is presented by the 15th District Nominating Committee.
15th District PTA Nominating Committee Slate
To find out more information or how to run from the floor – check out our election page. 15thdistrictpta.org/elections2021
Virtual Elections & Virtual Meeting Information
SBDM Elections https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xHJYH_PgbUL_zpRbcqS17z5J29_qT4fVEiD7gaWdW3I/edit?usp=sharing PTA Electionshttp://kypta.org/posts/leaders/virtual-elections.php Virtual General Membership Meetingshttp://kypta.org/posts/leaders/uploads/Virtual_General_Meetings.pdf