Tag: #families

  • Kentucky’s System of Care

    Kentucky’s System of Care

    A system of care (SOC) provide supports for families facing mental health and other challenges. This chart summarizes the state and community agencies that provide these supports and the guiding principles behind Kentucky’s SOC. For more information, check out this video.

  • Summer Meals
  • Sunday – Community Jamboree

    Summertime is all about camping, swimming, and hanging out with friends. Let’s keep up the learning also – join us at the Community Jamboree as we give you some tools to combat that pesky summer slide! We will also have balloon artist, face painting, and more information! Sunday, July 14th from 1:00 to 5:00 pm…

  • Community Jamborees

    Please join us at the Community Jamborees. Great time and information for all our families.