2017 Scholarship applications

“Harold L. Steele” $1000 Student Scholarship 12 Steele $1000 Student Scholarship 2014 2015 This is a biennial (every two years) scholarship that is awarded in even numbered years. The scholarship is awarded for a two year period, $500 for each year, providing the recipient’s grades justify awarding the following year. Financial need, academic achievement, personal … Read more

Say No To BR426

This is very important legislation that will affect every student in Jefferson County and across the Commonwealth. If we do not take action as parents and families then we will lose one of our only voices in our children’s education.

 Say No to BR426

The 2017 Kentucky Legislature will make important decisions about the future of school councils.  The first challenge is already here: Senator John Schickel of Boone County has filed a bill (BR 426)  that would give superintendents powers that currently belong to councils.

  • authority to set school policies in all areas listed in the main section of the law about council roles (curriculum, instruction, extracurriculars, assignment of students and staff, school schedule, etc.)
  • full authority to make personnel decisions, including principal vacancies
  • ability to determine instructional materials
  • authority to plan professional learning, and
  • power to decide student support services.

The bill would leave principals with the responsibility to develop wellness plans and decide about educational displays in a school. Councils would become an advisory group.

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