Represent Youth in Louisville Metro
CALLING ALL LOUISVILLE RESIDENT YOUTH AGES 16 TO 24 Apply to be a member of the 2025 Metro Youth Cabinet! Work directly with elected officials and community leaders on education, health, and safety, and offer solutions to policy challenges. DEADLINE TO APPLY SEPTEMBER 30 FOLLOW THE QR CODE ON THE ATTACHED FLYER OR CLICK THIS LINK TO…
Required JCPS Transportation Verification
Accurate transportation planning is essential for ensuring that all students have reliable and timely transportation to and from school. In April 2024, the Jefferson County Board of Education approved a new transportation plan for the 2024-25 school year aimed at improving punctuality for JCPS students. A crucial part of this plan is the Transportation Verification Form. Parents, you…
Reminder: Nominations Open for District Awards
Each May, the 15th District has the pleasure of recognizing our PTAs/PTSAs, volunteers and school staff for their contributions and successes over the last year at our awards banquet. But that only happens if someone (like YOU!) nominates them. Please take a few minutes to think about who in your PTAs/PTSAs and schools is deserving…
Submit Nominations for District Awards
The success of the PTA Mission “Every Child, One Voice” depends on our awesome PTA units and volunteers. It is time to recognize the best of the best in the 15th District. Please nominate school staff, units and volunteers to be recognized with 2024 District Awards before April 15, 2024.
Luhr Elementary PTA awarded Fire Safety Pilot Program grant
National PTA just announced that the Luhr Elementary PTA was among 7 PTAs nationally receiving Fire Safety Pilot Program grants. Recipients who qualified and were selected to carry out a new fire safety program, sponsored by Carrier (LenelS2 and Kidde brands). The new Fire Safety program is focused on educating families about the danger of…
PTA Scholarship applications due March 29
JCPS Seniors: Remember to check out this exciting scholarship opportunity! The application deadline is March 29, 2024. ! Apply online.
2024 District Spelling Bee Contest
School level spelling bee contests (4th-8th grades) will be happening soon to determine which students will move on to the district level contest. Check with your school to see if you are participating and how to get involved!
Congrats to Field Elementary on Receiving a Healthy Minds Grant
Kentucky’s own, Emmet Field Elementary’s PTA got some exciting news this past week when they found out they were awarded a National PTA grant! The Field PTA, a member of the 15th District, is the recipient of the 2023 PTA Healthy Minds Grant sponsored by the New York Life Foundation. The grant was designed to support PTA/PTSAs build “Healthy Minds” programming that will…
JCPS Showcase of Schools Survey
Please complete this survey regarding the Showcase of Schools that was hosted by JCPS on Saturday, October 14, 2023. Click this link for survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/POST_JCPS_Showcase_23-24SY
Seneca Place Halloween Party!
Check out the flyer for details about this Halloween event on October 24th!