• General Meeting & Awards Ceremony

    Join us on December 3rd at 6:00 pm as we have our General Meeting and Awards Ceremony. We will be giving out our Reflections Awards to our talented students. We will also be giving out awards to our PTAs that we would have normally done last spring. Join us. You must register to attend at…

  • November Newsletter

    November Newsletter

  • 15th District PTA Supports the Investment of JCPS

    15th District PTA Supports the Investment of JCPS

    The 15th District PTA votes to support the JCPS Tax Increase that will be on the ballot on November. See our page for more details. https://15thdistrictpta.org/jcps-proposed-tax-increase/

  • Unity For Equity

    Unity For Equity

    We wanted to share an opportunity with you in case you wanted to join.   16th District PTA is hosting a town hall “Unity for Equity: A Conversation on the Importance of Family Engagement and Academic Success” tomorrow on their Facebook page (here).  You do not have to reside in Lexington to participate in this town hall.…

  • Letter to Louisville PTA/PTSA Leaders

    Letter to Louisville PTA/PTSA Leaders

    Dear Louisville PTA/PTSA Leaders, Kentucky PTA is aware of the newspaper articles in the Courier Journal that was published last week about PTA.   Kentucky PTA will be making a statement; however, we want to make sure that our attorney as well as National PTA has time to review it and offer changes/suggestions.     In the…

  • JCPS 10/13/2020

    JCPS 10/13/2020

    JCPS Forum – tomorrow – Submit your questions.https://zoom.us/…/regi…/tJEkduurrTsqH9P5ciIrl_kmkHYWPpon6ysq Watch Here – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJCC8xo7s9vxfFZiV5ZoocQ