Louisville, KY
The current transportation challenges in JCPS are just the latest reminder of how much our public schools depend on support and involvement from the community. Our ability to overcome these challenges depends on everyone; including our school administrators, teachers, staff, parents, students, state and local governments and community organizations; pitching in and working collaboratively for…
Please see this statement from the 15th District PTA regarding the current JCPS transportation situation.
The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods is partnering with Whitney Strong to offer a full day training on violence prevention! This free, in-person training is scheduled on September 23rd from 9:00am-2:00pm at Refuge In Kentucky Church (1716 Prentice Street, 40210) and lunch will be served. We will hear from experts as they cover a range of topics including Firearm Safety, Suicide Prevention…
In addition to the in-person training available at the Back2School/BackToPTA event on August 19th, the 15th District PTA is offering several virtual training opportunities for Board members, Treasurers and Advocacy leads in local PTAs this year. See the Training Opportunities for details and to register for each training.
JCPS Seniors: check out this scholarship opportunity! Application deadline is March 24, 2024. ! Apply online.
Letter from 15th District President Sienna Newman: Welcome to the start of the 2023-2024 school year! It’s such an exciting time of year! The 15th District PTA is honored to serve and support our schools by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. To begin the year, I want to warmly…