• Don’t Forget the Banquet is Tonight!

    Join us for some fun, food, and a celebration of our PTA/PTSA!!

  • Voting Ballot

    Here is what the ballot will look like for those who are voting in today’s election. Remember the polls open at 4:00 pm and close at 6:45 pm at Louisville Central Community Center.

  • Elections – May 7, 2019

    We have all the details and even FAQ on our Election Page.

  • 15th District PTA Meeting Rules for Voting on April 22, 2019

    According to the the 15th District PTA bylaws Article XII: Section 4 Each local PTA/PTSA in the District shall be entitled to be represented at the fifteenth (15th) district meetings by Five (5) accredited delegates of each local PTA/PTSA. (Accredited delegates selection shall be determined by the 15th District PTA standing rules.) The 15th District…

  • Annual Awards Banquet

    We’re celebrating your PTA/PTSA accomplishments this year in a new way. Join us May 7, 2019 for our annual awards banquet. Join us for a festive banquet with student performances, awards, and a chance to showcase your school spirit. Reservations are $40 a person and must be received by Tuesday, April 30. All reservation requests…